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Virtual Second Opinions

Doctor with Files


If you are unable to come to Houston, TX, for an in-person consultation, please call our office for the possibility of a virtual video conferencing visit.


Virtual visits are conducted similarly to an in-person visit, with the exception of the physical examination. Medical records, MRI images, and studies are reviewed in the same manner, and recommendations are made based on these reviews.


Establishment of care and surgical treatment will ultimately require an in-person visit in Houston, TX.


Please have these 3 required items already sent in to our office for review PRIOR to your allotted consultation time:


1.  New Patient Sheet completely filled and signed.

2.  MRI/CT radiology report (printed)

3.  CD of the MRI/CT images (on Computer disc)

Pelvic X-Ray


If you would like a courtesy review of your MRI radiology report to see if you may benefit from a virtual videoconference visit/2nd opinion, please download and complete the Brief Patient Info and submit the following documents:

1.  Brief Patient Info sheet completely filled and signed.

2.  MRI/CT radiology report


Use the Submit button below to send your information, and Dr. Thai will personally review your information. Our office will contact you for further guidance, generally within 48hrs during the working week.


By submitting the information for courtesy review, you acknowledge that this is for informational review only and does not represent any form of diagnosis, treatment, nor imply any formation of a doctor-patient relationship.   


NOTE: Submissions without all the required information will not be reviewed. 


©2018 by Quoc-Anh Thai, MD, Neurosurgeon.

Disclaimer: This is an independent, privately funded personal website, and the information/opinions contained in the website do not represent any hospital, health system, nor its affiliates and/or administration and are not necessarily endorsed by the aforementioned. This website provides general information only and does not claim to offer any form of diagnosis, treatment, nor state/imply any formation of a doctor-patient relationship nor the practice of telemedicine.  Formal doctor-patient relationship and neurosurgery care can only be done in person, without exception.  The site makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, nor timeliness of the information, and users agree that the website and anyone affiliated with the website will not be liable for any errors, omission, or usage that is not intended and in replacement of proper healthcare. All health related questions pertaining to you should be handled by your physician. 

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