Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I schedule for surgery?
The front desk/surgery coordinator in the office can guide you through the process. This will include a pre-authorization process to ensure that your insurance company's coverage of your surgery costs. A request to your primary care physician (PMD) will be made so that you can get medical clearance for surgery. This may include required tests, such as blood tests, Chest Xrays, EKG, and Urine specimen. This may also require a referral to a cardiologist or other specialist, if you have a pre-existing medical condition that is higher risk for surgery. Once the operating room availability matches a convenient date with your schedule, the surgery date will be confirmed, pending all clearances.
How long will it take from the time I decide to the time I have surgery?
Most surgeries can be scheduled within 2-4 weeks from the time you have made a decision.
Who will perform the surgery?
Dr. Thai will be present for your entire surgery and will perform 100% of your surgery. Dr. Thai does not perform simultaneous or concurrent surgeries in different rooms.
When do I have to show up for my surgery?
You will be notified of a surgery time and the time that you should arrive at the hospital, usually about 2 hours prior to your scheduled surgery.
Why do I have to arrive so early prior to the surgery time?
Before surgery can start, your medical information and paperwork is reviewed and verified by multiple members of the nursing staff, pre-operative staff, operating room staff, anesthesiologist, and neurosurgeon. Although it may seem redundant, this is part of the verification and check list that ensures your safety.
What should I wear to the hospital for surgery?
Wear comfortable clothing that can be easily changed into a hospital gown. Bring extra undergarments and be prepared with toiletries and supplies to spend the night, even if you are expecting to go home the same day. Leave valuables and jewelry at home. All rings, earrings, etc should be left at home, since these have to be removed prior to surgery.
What will I remember about the surgery?
Most patients remember heading back to the operating room but will nor recall anything about the operating room or events surrounding it. After surgery, patients may be awake and interactive, but most patients don't remember much until the evening after surgery. Many patients don't even remember seeing their surgeon in the recovery room after surgery, much less remember any details that the surgeons may have told them. Therefore, it is important to have a family member who can help with the information.