Post Op Brain Surgery
Post Op in the Hospital
Intensive Care Unit bed (usually first 1-3 days)
Neurological exam is closely monitored
Post Op CT imaging and blood tests are routine
Breathing tube will be removed when safe
Compression stockings used to prevent blood clots
Urine (Foley) catheter used to monitor urine output
Mobilize out of bed to chair as soon as feasible
Gradually start meals the morning after surgery
Incision will have staples and antibiotic ointment covering (usually will not be covered by a head bandage)
Pain medicine and other Rx via I.V. (intravenous route)
Surgery Floor bed (after ICU stay; lasting 1-3 days)
Out of bed to chair and walking with physical therapy
Compression stockings used while in bed
Start Subcutaneous Heparin (for blood clot prevention)
Foley catheter is removed
Advance to regular diet
May shower 48 hrs after surgery
Pain medicine and other Rx transition to oral route
Physical Therapy (PT) and Social Work (SW) evaluation for needs after discharge
Discharge may be to rehab, nursing care facility, home with home health, or home without special needs
You will be discharged from the hospital once you are deemed safe by PT
Recovery at Home:
First 7 to10 days:
Resume your pre-op Medications
Restart Anti-Coagulant and Anti-Platelet medicine as directed
Take any new medications as directed
Shower every day, using only regular shampoo to gently clean the surgery site
Leave the surgery site/staples open to air
Swelling around the incision/face is expected to peak around 3-4 days after surgery and then slowly get better in 1-2 weeks
Limit exertion to less than 15 pounds of lifting
Start walking every day, up to 30 minutes a day, if able to do so safely
Staples removed around 7-10 days after surgery (in the neurosurgery office or by a physician in rehab, if still in rehabilitation facility)
1 to 2 months post op:
Continue to increase activities as tolerated
Post op pain is still expected, but it should slowly decrease by the end of this time
3 Months post op:
Follow up in Neurosurgery Office 3 moths after surgery for follow up
Post Op imaging (MRI) is usually done just prior to the 3 month office visit